Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Teacher's Summer

In 12 years of teaching, this is the first summer I have ever taken completely off, and even still, I feel just as busy as I did all those summers I tutored, waited tables, and nannied!  The first week, I thought I'd go to the gym, and then waste away for the rest of the day with a book by the pool.  That was the case for about 2 days, and then things picked up to a  busy pace again.  What amazes me the most is that I'm still getting up between 5:30-6:00am, in hopes of getting the day going early, however I've found that it's just irrational to start cleaning one's house at 7am in the morning. Afterall, I wouldn't want to wake my neighbors with the vacuum cleaner! So instead, I've caught up on the latest news, finished 2 books, and learned to navigate my new Smartphone which my husband is so excited I now have!
See, I told you in my last post that I'd be busy!
This week I had a bit of time to relax by the pool briefly on Monday, then the week has gone to lightening speed and suddenly yesterday I realized I had the next 24 hours to get my house cleaned, hit the gym, grocery shop, buy party decorations, write a grant, tutor a child (ok, I'm guilty, but I'm just tutoring 1 kid this summer), do laundry, shop for things for my month long vacation, and spend some quality time with my hubby before I leave. 
On Monday, I will be leaving for a month of fun, adventure, and relaxation!  Check back, as I will definitely write about this adventure!

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