Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31 – Core Story

What central story is at the core of you, and how do you share it with the world? (Bonus: Consider your reflections from this month. Look through them to discover a thread you may not have noticed until today.)

(Author: Molly O’Neill)

Today marks the end of this month long journey of reflection for another year.  The prompts have been fun, reflective, and sometimes challenging.  I missed some  prompts, but as I said at the beginning, I don't believe in working backwards, so I've chosen not to go back to all of the prompts I missed.  It's been a busy last week of December with the holidays, travel, and getting to meet up with a few old friends.  I have to laugh a little at this prompt because I remember one  time my sister and I were at a bar in San Diego, and this guy came up to her and said, "So, what's your story?"  Really, no joke!  So from then on, I've never thought about "what my story is", it was just too cheesy.  But I guess if there were to be a book written about my life it would be a story about surviving and pushing ahead.  Overall I have lived a very good life, but like everyone I've had some events in my life that made me not want to get out of bed some mornings, made me question my faith, and my own judgement.  But through each event, I've remained strong and positive and pushed forward.  At my core, I don't give up, and I try to help others forge ahead and see that anything's possible with the right mindset.  I think being in education I share this story with students all the time, tell them that they can control their future, they can control their own destiny.  I think I share this story through my friendships, because my friends have been there for me through the good times and the bad.  I think I share this story with my family because I remain a good role model of what family is about. 

This might be the last post of 2010, but this is not the end of my story! What will the next chapter be???? I have no idea, but I'm excited for the possibilities!

December 30 – Gift Prompt:

Gift. This month, gifts and gift-giving can seem inescapable. What’s the most memorable gift, tangible or emotional, you received this year? (Author: Holly Root) {Future tools: Lifehacker’s Free Tools to Manage New Years Resolutions and Gretchen Rubin’s Questions to Help You Make Effective New Year’s Resolutions. Has #reverb10 made an [...]

I received an overwhelming number of tangible and emotional gifts this year.  The one gift that I received this year that will remain in my memory forever is the gift of family time.  Living clear across the country from my own family, and not being that close to them, makes it tough sometimes, but when I married Kevin, I married into an amazing family that took me in as one of their own.  Getting to spend time with Kevin's grandfather, his aunt, and all of his cousins, siblings, and his mom this year, more time than was originally planned for, but all of it was fun and made me not miss home so much.  The saying, home is where your heart is, really rings true, because my heart is with Kevin and I feel at home with his family.  The extra time we got to spend with Aunt Pat, and all the time I was able to spend with Bop was the most memorable gift one could ever receive.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25 – Photo –

A present to yourself Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words. Share the image, who shot it, and where, and what it best reveals about you.

Kevin took this photo of me in Old Quebec, Canada on our trip in July 2010.  It best captures me because it's simple, but classic.  It also best reveals who I am because I'm always looking  behind doors for my next opportunity!

Friday, December 24, 2010

December 24 Prompt – Everything’s OK

What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead? (Author: Kate Inglis)

Knowing that everything is okay is a huge relief for many of us.  At what point does one realize that all is okay?  I'm not sure it was this particular year, but I do  know that whenever I see my husband's smile, I know that everything  will be alright.  This past year, it came at different times.  For starters, seeing  his smile when I went into the hospital made me know that no matter what, I was going  to be okay. It came again when he  saw me and Bop off on our long road trip.  And again, when Bop had his stroke and I was the only one with him, as soon as Kevin arrived, and I saw his smile, I knew it was going to be okay.  No matter what it is, Kevin's smile and reassurance always brings me peace of mind.  I try not to take him for granted, and in case he doesn't realize it... he is the best thing that ever happened to me!  Even in the emotional  times we've had lately, with disappointment, sadness, and sorrow, he continues to crack a joke and make me laugh.  So I guess as I head into the new year, I will remember to smile, and continue to see how everything is okay, better than okay!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 22 – Travel

How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year? (Author: Tara Hunt)

2010 was a WONDERFUL travel year for me!  I traveled to visit with friends I left in California, a solo trip just for girlfriend time.  I traveled along the East Coast on the road trip of a lifetime with Bop, experiencing a lot of firsts for me, ending in New York on the St. Lawrence River, where I am always at peace.  I also got to take some special trips with Kevin, we traveled to Old Quebec in Canada, and a fall weekend in Blowing Rock, North Carolina.  We're ending the year with a trip to Florida to spend Christmas with my mother in law and Bop. Our final travels for 2010 will be a short road trip with Bop to Key West after Christmas.

In 2011 I know for certain that in February, I will be taking a trip to meet up with my sister, whom I haven't seen in 2 years (which has been very tough).  We're thinking Austin, TX. Who knows what else... I'm hopeful to take a girl's trip to NYC in the spring, and possibly more short trips locally.  I find that when I travel it tends to be big trips that cost a lot and I have to plan for, but I'm hoping that this year, Kevin and I will take some little weekend trips, more spontaneously.

December 21 – Future Self

 Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?) (Author: Jenny Blake)

It's hard to think what the next 5 years will bring, I never imagined 5 years ago that I would be where I am now.  In 5 years I will be approaching my 40th birthday and I'd like to think that I will be as in love with my husband as I am today, if not even more, I would like to think that I will have atleast 1 small child by then, possibly working on two, and I suppose I  will still be working in education, but perhaps I won't and I will be a stay at home mom.  I'd also like to be able to say that I've completed another half marathon! 

Looking at the year ahead, I'd like to just take it one day at a time and live more in the moment and appreciate everyday as if it's my last.  Not take life too seriously all of the time.

Ten years ago I was 25, single, living in Los Angeles and having a great time with my friends.  Looking back, I would tell myself that everything works out the way it's supposed to. Just because things don't go as planned, doesn't mean they don't go right!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 19 – Healing

 What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011? (Author: Leonie Allan)

This is an interesting prompt and I never would have thought about it until now.  2010 was a year full of healing for me and there were several parts to the process.  For starters my incredibly supportive husband healed me.  Even when he felt helpless and like he couldn't heal my pain, he did. My friends and family also were a big part of my healing.  Getting to spend time with them was important, and it helped me get past the pain, and realize how incredibly lucky I am.  The book, Eat, Pray, Love also played a huge role in my healing this past year.  I picked it up to read after my miscarriage, and it was incredibly comforting to take the journey in all the beautiful places mentioned in the book.  Reading about someone else's self discovery helped me with my own.  Lastly, running healed me to feel fit, and healthy, and alive.  Running is therapeutic for me and when I can push myself a little harder, I feel like I can accomplish anything and get past anything.

In 2011 I'd like to be healed  by the continued support of my husband, family and friends.  There is nothing better than sharing a memory, a good laugh, or even a good cry with the people who know me the best.  Traveling would also be nice if I'm feeling blue. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15 – 5 Minutes

 Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010. (Author: Patti Digh)

What I want to capture the most in my memory of the year 2010 is my trip with Bop over the summer!  It was such an amazing trip and I had the time of my life not worrying about anything! (well usually not worrying about much).  The memory of him directing me where to take us, pointing out the sights and history, and just spending time with such a special member of Kevin's family.  I also want to remember the memory of Kevin's and my trip to Old Quebec and Blowing Rock, NC.  Getting to spend that time together in a new environment and experience new things was amazing! I also want to remember the feeling of crossing the finish line in several 5K races in 2010, not because I had such a great pace, but because I finished and it felt great to run!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14 – Appreciate

 What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)

I have come to appreciate quiet time by myself the most this year.  I am usually a stay busy gal, and over the past few years I've been learning to not  pack my schedule so tight, and to take more time for myself.  I have always thought of others before myself, but sometimes I don't think of myself enough.  In the past year, I've learned how to take time for myself and not feel guilty about doing so.  I love my husband and my friends, but I will admit I do appreciate a night or day here or there where I can just be by myself and do things, or not do anything. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Keeping Life in Motion

December 13 – Action When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step? (Author: Scott Belsky)

This prompt is kind of bittersweet in my household today.  I'm an action person.  I think of ideas, and I put a plan in  place to carry them out.  But today I feel like I need to take a step back, keep  my mouth closed, and just be there for Kevin and his family.  Some of you may know that Kevin's Aunt Pat has been sick for a little over a year and finally after a good long, fight she passed away last night.  Aunt Pat was an Action Lady herself!  She always had a plan, told the family what the plan was and held everyone together to carry the plan out.  Having been in Kevin's family for 4 years, I can't imagine how painful this is for those who got to spend a lifetime with Aunt Pat.  She was a beautiful lady that I feel lucky to have had in my life. It's never easy to lose a loved one, and it is especially difficult with the Christmas holiday right around the corner.  So my next step for now is going to just be to be there for Kevin and our family. 

This is  kind of a  side track from the prompt, but it's really weird how life happens.  A year ago this time Kevin and I were planning for a child, then that plan was put on hold.  We were planning a trip to CA for the holidays this year, but we decided it was best to stay here in the event that something did happen to Aunt Pat.  I am at peace with how it's all ended up, I wouldn't imagine it any other way.  I know Aunt Pat is at peace too and she will continue to steer us all in the right direction when it comes to plans! 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 11 – 11 Things

 What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)

1. Stress
2. Irrational People
3. Drama
4. Negative thoughts
5. Snow
6. Bad tasting food
7. Pressure from others
8. A jam packed schedule
9. Fear of the unknown
10. to be a YES person

That's all I can think of!  I just need one more... well, while I'm thinking about it, I'll tell you how I plan to rid my life of these things:  Yes, I have a plan! I will exercise, eat right, and only foster relationships with people who believe in the same balanced life.  As for eliminating snow... well, I'm just saying I don't NEED it, but that is out of my control so I'm not going to worry about it!  Hey, here's my #11. Worry.  I don't need to worry about stuff! 

Friday, December 10, 2010


December 10 – Wisdom Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Author: Susannah Conway)

I feel that I've made a couple of wise decisions this year, but the WISEST decision I made was to take the entire summer off from working and travel with Bop! (Kevin's 95 yr. old grandfather).  In order to do so I had to make a wise decision to close my business.  I am glad I tried owning a business, but I will say that ending that was a very wise decision.  It just wasn't my thing!  All my life, especially  my adult life, I have planned and lived a pretty structured life, so when I said I would take a road trip and travel with Bop and spend the summer on the St. Lawrence River, I knew that my plans and structure would be a thing of the past.  And that they were.  All I can say is if you ever have the chance to do something like this, it is a must!  I have so many fond memories of our trip, and I feel like I got to spend an immense amount of time with a very special person in Kevin's family.  Hands down, that was the wisest decision I made this year! 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just Bein' Myself

December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful. (Author: Karen Walrond)

What you see is what you get!  There's nothing fake about me.  I think people appreciate the fact that I am a realist.  Eventhough it doesn't get me the most popular votes, my tendency to keep things real, and not try to be soemthing I'm not is refreshing.  At work, I am in somewhat of a leadership position and I always try to remind the people I work with that my job is to do what's best for kids, it's not about us, the teachers!  I don't give into people who complain about things that they have the power to change.  I stay true to my own beliefs and passions, even when it doesn't go with the majority.

I am always striving to be my best.  I don't believe in perfection, in fact, perfect is a word I detest!  But I do believe I can always be better and I constantly look for ways to improve.  I look for ways to improve my job performance. I challenge myself to work out harder than before.  I put the past behind me and try to look forward and make the best of the hand I've been dealt.  I see how unhappy some people in my family are, and I say, " We have this amazing power as human beings to change things." and I act on it!  I'm the only person who can change the way I think, feel, and act.I don't blame others.  We all make choices.Speaking of choices, I will admit I've made some bad ones, but with each poor choice I've made, I've found a lesson and taken the learning with me throughout my life.

I am not materialistic, I enjoy nice things, but can do without the latest trends and fads.  I enjoy giving to others, but I don't give things to people expecting something in return.  The thought is what counts, and I strongly believe in that.  I am very fortunate for the things I have been given and able to acquire in my life, I don't take it for granted.

Where I Belong

December 7 – Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)

I have never really thought about what community I belong to or what community I'd like to belong to.  I just tend to meet people, connect, and develop relationships, regardless of geography, background, etc.  But in the past year, I have discovered community in my neighborhood.  Ever since I left Los Angeles, I have wanted to find a place where I have a home, and friendly neighbors.  Alittle over a year ago, when Kevin and I bought this house, we were advised by our realtor to go and talk to the neighbors BEFORE we put an offer in.  Although I never would have thought of that, and am glad I've had the amazing realtor in Jennifer Douse at Allen Tate (little sales plug for her, she really is wonderful), it was one of the wisest things we did.  Upon moving in, we met a family across the street who is so much fun!  The husband is a pilot and his wife works part time in addition to raising their 4 small children.  The kids are awesome too! They like to come over and play at our house, they make me pictures, and borrow books to read.  The fact that Kevin and our neighbor enjoy beer, woodworking, and everything in between is a bonus.  I can honestly say that I've never felt more comfortable asking for help.  In the short time that we've lived here I've witnessed people helping one another in sickness, health, and tragedy. 


December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? (Author: Gretchen Rubin)

The last thing I made was Thumbprint Cookies.  It was something I've never made before, but found a recipe and it was incredibly easy.  I love to cook, but I do not like to bake.  I think baking is too restrictive, having to measure things out.  I prefer to cook dishes where I can add a pinch of this, and a smidgen of that.  Which my husband hates, because he says he can never follow my recipes! I can be creative in other ways too, but the most regular way that I express my creativity is through my cooking.  I grew up in a family food business, my father still owns a restaurant, and my mother was a very good cook.  I ate things as a child that most don't.  I still eat in a way that allows me to appreciate good, quality food.  I know that not everyone likes to cook, but who doesn't like to eat.  So I take great pleasure in creating delicious, and most of the time healthy food for others and myself to enjoy.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I haven't posted in some time due to the fact that I went back to work fulltime this year and once the school year began, well, life just started rolling along and I found myself falling asleep early, rather than having time to sit down and get inside my own thoughts.

So thanks, to a friend, I've been introduced to which is an online initiative to get you to write and reflect.  Being a very reflective person by nature, I thought what a great way to get back to my writing.  I know a lot of people enjoyed reading about my summer adventure with Bop, and although I don't think my day to day life is that exciting, there have been some exciting events since the summer.

I probably should start with the prompt from December 1st, but I'm not about going backwards, so I'm just going to pick up with today's prompt.

December 5: Let Go. What or whom did you let go of this year? Why?

This year I let go of my need to be in control of things all the time.  Sometimes we're forced to let go of this, and maybe I was forced to accept it, but I did let go of the need because I realized it just wasn't worth worrying about so much.  Are there things I like to stay in control of? Of course, I'm not sure  I know a human being who doesn't appreciate controlling their own way.  But by letting go of this need, I've been able to relax and just enjoy life more.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

One last sunset....

The sun is setting on my final eve of this amazing summer adventure, I take a deep breath, and as I exhale I let go of all my worries and know that it's been another wonderful day in Bop's company.  I started this journey not knowing where I was going or who I would meet. I can honestly say, I have been to more places in 41 days than some people have or will in a lifetime. I have traveled 4,551 miles this summer, and left the country 5 times. I have met people twice and three times my age, as well as a few little ones. I have grown for the better! The sunsets will remain here, Bop will be in Charlotte in a week and then return to Florida, and tomorrow I will go back to life in York, South Carolina.  Although we're never really sure of how our days will go, I am CERTAIN that everyday should be filled with laughter, cocktail hour, and gratefulness for another day of life! 
I used to be a pretty rigid planner, and one of the most important lessons I've learned from Bop this summer is how to be spontaneous, go with the flow, let go of my fear of the unknown, and trust that I am right where I am supposed to be!
I am forever grateful to Bop for planning and executing such an amazing road trip! I am also forever grateful to Kevin, my hubby who let me take the summer completely off to just enjoy life ( even if it meant being away from him for  4 out of 6 weeks)!
I am one lucky, very lucky girl!!!!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

The End of the Road

My trip with Bop is quickly coming to an end.  I fly home on Sunday and it is bittersweet.  Yes, I miss my husband and friends, and am excited to get back to my life as I knew it before.  However, I most definitely will miss my funfilled days with Bop... days consisting of small road trips, lunch and dinner outings, useful lessons, tricky card games, and his sense of humor.  I've been trying to find just the right words to describe this experience with Bop:

Yep, that's right... there are no words to describe this trip...
I hope I've created as many fond memories for Bop that he's created for me! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kingston Attractions

For the past few days,Pam (my mother in law, Bop's youngest daughter) has been visiting.  Her visit was two-fold, a vacation away from the nursing job she works VERY hard at, and to attend Bop's follow up doctor's appointment and check on his progress. Bop has been moving around and on the go, joke cracking included all along! I don't think anyone needed to worry, but of course we all do because we love him so. As soon as we left the doctor's office on Monday morning, Bop suggested lunch in Kingston, Canada.  So what did we do?  Of course we drove over the bridge to Canada (again) and lunched  in Kingston! On a side note, I don't know why, but every time I get to the Customs agent over the bridge in Canada, I get anxious... they ask different questions everytime, and the fact that Bop lives in Florida, I live in South Carolina, and the car is registered in Florida, and we're "just going to lunch in Canada" seems funny to them.  Back to my story...   I didn't know anything about Kingston, so having a free afternoon we ate lunch at a cute little Irish pub in the old St. George Hotel followed by a one hour trolley tour.  Who knew Kingston was actually the first capital of Canada?  Who knew Kingston had a Penitentiary with a waterfront view?  Who knew their water treatment plant used to be a LaBatt's Blue Brewery?  It actually is a very quaint old city, and because it's on the tip of Lake Ontario there is plenty to do.  However, if one looks up a description of Kingston, here is what you might see....
"One of the oldest cities in Canada, originally Fort Frontenac, settled in 1673, Kingston is home to many beautiful buildings, churches, 2 universities, site of the 1976 Olympic rowing events, and several  prisons."  Seriously?  I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm looking for something to do in a new city, touring the prisons is not on my list!  On top of that, they even have a Penitentiary Museum... REALLY!  Our time did not allow us to visit the museum, but I suppose the artifacts might consist of inmate's possessions confiscated upon arrival?  So the next time you're planning a trip, consider your options for sightseeing,I think I'll stick to pubs and souvenir shops!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A True North Country Experience

I like to pride myself on being a pretty diverse thinking individual, and I think that growing up in Southern California I was exposed to a wide variety of lifestyles.  However, one thing is for sure, I was not exposed to "Country living" or "God's Country".  I have to digress and tell you a little joke that Kevin thinks is REALLY funny.  The very first time he brought me up to camp, as we drove into NY state and stopped at a rest stop, he said, "Welcome to New York!"  My response was a shocked one.  I'm embarassed these days to admit the only image of New York I had was that of NYC (which I had never been to until this summer) and in reality, there are more farms in the state of NY than the media ever tells about.  So as we drove further north, I got a first hand view of what is known as "God's Country".... blue skies, puffy white clouds billowing over green pastures and of course, my favorite animal... the cow, tons of them roaming roadside!  I think my exact words were,"There aren't cows in New York!"  Kevin also gets a kick out of my first sighting of an Amish family on the road up here.  Again, these were not things I saw in California.  I have come to appreciate this part of the country, and although I am not a religious person, I do find something very spiritual and moving about the scenery in the North Country!  There is another piece of the North Country lifestyle I had not yet seen.... until yesterday..... a parade!  I will honestly admit, I am not a fan of carnivals, parades, fairs, or festivals.  This past week has been the International Seaway Festival which has been held for the past 50 years along the St. Lawrence River.  Bop and I did not partake in any of the festivities until yesterday, we decided to venture into "the Burg" (downtown Ogdensburg) to watch the parade.  For one, I cannot remember the last parade I attended, and I'm pretty sure it didn't last more than an hour.  Well, the 50th International Seaway Parade is quite the production!  For starters, we got there at 10am to find our seats that some friends of the family had set out for us, and to make sure I could find parking. Then we sat there reading the paper for about an hour until the parade started.  But it started miles away from our station, so it was another 45 minutes until we actually saw anything go by.  However, the people watching alone was entertaining.  Ask Kevin, I can people watch anywhere.... and I do!  This parade lasted almost 3 hours and was composed of  fire trucks, rescue squads, school bands, Canadian bands, politicians, horse carriages, cows, goats, and several floats created by local organizations competing for first prize. I know, I'm pretty sure these ARE the things that make up most parades in small towns across America, I just haven't endured them!  As I told Bop yesterday, my North Country experience is COMPLETE now. I've been on the back country roads, bought an Amish-made basket in a General Stroe, had fish 'n chips from Canada, licked a local soft serve cone, eaten at several local eateries, swam in the St. Lawrence River, taken day trips to Canada, and watched the parade.   Is there anything left?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lessons Learned

On my trip, and in the time I've been blessed to spend with Bop I've learned more lessons than textbook could ever teach. Which these are the types of lessons that only come from life experience and are the kind I believe many students thirst for while sitting in a classroom. Think of Huck Finn!   Lessons about life, love, and family.  I've also managed to learn a few things about the law that I really wasn't aware of, thankfully Bop taught me, rather than a law enforcement officer!

Lessons about Love:
1. Love is unconditional
2. Love can hurt (sometimes even hurt others)
3. Love everyday you have
4. People show love in different ways.
5. Absence REALLY does make the heart grow fonder.

Lessons about Family:
1. Family IS important
2. Make your own family a priority
3. Dealing with family is a balance.
4. Communicate with your family, even if honesty is tough.

Oh, I suppose you're still wondering what lessons about the law I learned? How many of you know that you are supposed to move over a lane on the interstate when you see a law enforcement vehicle parked on the shouder issuing someone else a ticket?  Did you also know that it is illegal to drive and talk on your cell phone in the state of NY? No worries, I know better now, and didn't get caught! :)

Lessons about Life:
*I know these things, I read them on quotes, artwork, and places all the time,  I think I am actually beginning to make them  the day-to-day routine of life!
1. Life is short
2. Everyday is a GREAT day
3. Find pleasure in the little things
5. Don't stress

Not only have I learned useful lessons,I've also learned some pretty useful skills from Bop!  To date, I've learned how to use a sewing machine, bleach mold off of dishes and oil wood, put together a grill, play solitaire (2 ways), calmly drive someone to the ER ( wouldn't recommend it, but it IS useful), and best of all, how to take an amazing road trip! I only hope I can take someone else on a trip like this one day!

As our time is winding down,  I am relishing and trying to put to memory all of the wonderful experiences I've had with Bop this summer.  We have just over a week left together before I have to head back home and gear up for the school year.  Tomorrow we are off to Ottawa, Canada for a day trip!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just Another Day on the River

We've had several visitors at Camp Murray the past week, and only 2 more until Tuesday.  Meghan (Kev's cousin) came up the day Kevin and I left for Quebec a week ago, but left this past Friday.  Friday, a friend of Kev's from college and his wife came up for one night. Yesterday, (Saturday) Jill, Kevin's sister arrived.  It's been a bit of a revolving door around here and I have a whole new appreciation for Aunt Pat and Uncle Gus's hospitality all summer long! When we first arrived at camp, there were an abundance of chores to do, but lately it's just been one relaxing day on the river after another.  Here's a typical day on the river...
8-9am Wake up ( after an incredible night's sleep)
9-11am  Enjoy coffee, breakfast, a run, and some easy reading (on the deck when weather permits)
11am-5pm Lounge/sunbathe on the deck with a book, ride the waverunners, and if it's hot enough "swim" in the river.
5-6pm Coktail hour ( a camp staple)
6-7:30pm Prep and cook dinner, eat dinner, clean up, look for how the sunset will be that evening
7:30-???? Play dominoes, a card game, and hang out

It's no wonder why when Kevin first described "camp" to me that I was intrigued, but you just have to experience it to truly know what an amazing place it is.  Don't get me wrong, I've been to Greece, Amsterdam, the Carribbean, and those are all amazing places in their own right, as are so many others on my travel list.  Camp is just a place where I truly DO forget about the routines and annoyances of day to day life, and I'm able to completely relax and step outside my own head for quite awhile.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


After an eventful week of some concern and calming everyone's worries about Bop's health, Kevin and I escaped for 4 days to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary!  All I can say is, Kevin totally caught me off guard when he proposed here at camp 3 years ago, and he blew me away this year with all his planning!  Kevin is an easygoing man, and has very few requests, so sometimes it amazes me that he puts up with so many of my requests.  Knowing that I really wanted to take a trip to Europe, but is wasn't possible this year, Kevin went for the next best thing... Old Quebec City in Canada!  It really was like walking around a European country, with tons of little shops, sidewalk cafes and bistros, and a pub on every corner ( or just about).  The fact that they speak French first, and English second gave it the European ambiance even more!  I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure this really is my life.  When I took the leap to move across the country 5 years ago, it was hard to imagine I would meet such a wonderful guy that would eventually become my husband.  Two years isn't very long, but it sure has been a great ride! I can't imagine my life without Kevin, and everyday I wake up excited to see where our journey will take us next!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Make The Call

Wednesday, July 7th  I had stayed at the hospital with Bop as long as visiting hours would allow.  Kevin arrived late that night, and I had managed to avoid answering the phone, however the next 24 hours were tough.  Immediately, Thursday morning, Kevin and I went to the hospital to check in with Bop and that's when we had to make the call.  Upon arriving to the hospital, Pam called on Kevin's cell, Kevin dodged where he was, but it wasn't long before Bop told Kevin just to go ahead and call her.  There the three of us were in Bop's hospital room, Kevin dialed Pam, and handed the phone to Bop.  Bop said something to the effect of this: " The good news is I get dishcharged tomorrow.  Where am I? I'm in the hospital... I needed a vacation from Kristen."  Kevin and I were laughing,  but could hear Pam on the other end of the line... needless to say, she wasn't laughing.  We gave Pam all the information, as well as the contact information for the nurse... and thought we had things under control.  Meanwhile, Bop kept cracking jokes, making us laugh, and flirting with the nurses.  That afternoon, Kevin and I let Bop get some rest, and went back to camp.  I told Kevin we needed to try to convince Bop to call Aunt Pat, not to cause her to worry, but because I knew she would worry if she didn't hear from Bop in 2 days.. they check in just about everyday.  So after some dinner, I had Kevin convinced, who was ready to convince Bop when we got back to the hospital.  About 10 seconds after we arrived, the nurse, Jody, came in the room and asked Bop if it was okay to give out information to his other daughter.  We'd been had!  Pam had called Pat, Pat called the hospital, and Bop was in for an earful.  Rightfully so, it's a hard balance between grown child and parent... parents worry about their children, so Bop didn't want to worry his daughters.  Children worry about their aging parents, and that's exactly how it all played out.  Bop joked with his daughters, who didn't laugh too much, but then the biggest surprise occured.  Pam flew up on Friday, the day Bop was getting discharged.  Things happen for a reason... most of the time we don't really know the reason behind everything, In this case, the doctors couldn't find a reason for Bop's stroke, all I know is that he's okay and we're going to enjoy the rest of our summer on the river! There is a lesson to be learned...  we all just want to know that our loved ones are okay, even if there is nothing we can do about the way things are, so make the call!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

To Call or Not to Call

I surprised myself at how calm I remained getting Bop in the ER, and sitting there while they hooked him up and checked him out... he answered every question the nurse and doctor asked, as well as cracked some jokes with me, this is when I knew he was okay, but we just needed a medical professional's confirmation.  After they took him for a CT Scan and an MRI, the doctor said he had indeed had a small stroke, and there was no bleeding, but they would like to admit him to the hospital for 24 -48 hours to observe him and make sure nothing progresses.  The doctor looked at me and said, "Would that be okay?" I looked at Bop, knowing that he's the one who would have to stay there, and thankfully he replied, "It will have to be okay."  So the process began to admit Bop for a short vacation, as he called it. I need to backup for a minute, when they took Bop in for the CT Scan, I asked Bop if he wanted me to call anyone.  Bop's response was, " Don't call Pat and don't call Pam... no need to worry anyone."  So once again, I followed Henry's orders, and didn't call either of them (all the while knowing I'd be in trouble eventually).  However, I did call Kevin.  Kevin was set to drive up part of the way that night anyhow but he was a supportive husband and said he'd leave immediately.  Here's where responsibility comes to play... Bop is my grandfather, but I don't feel that I am the family member to make these kind of important decisions... so I wanted Kevin here and I'd pass some of the responsibility onto him.  Kevin said he would make the call to his mom, Pam, so I left it at that.  Meanwhile, Bop was getting admitted, I had a book in my purse, and we were officially in the hospital.  Another doctor came to evalulate Bop and I spoke with him to get clarification on things.  He said there was no major concern, it just was standard procedure to keep a stroke patient to make sure his mobility was safe and blood pressure was down. I gave Kevin an update, and he had chosen to wait until he got here before calling his mom.  Meanwhile, I had to avoid answering the phone at camp and prayed that Kevin and Bop would make the call sooner than later. Tune in later for the next update... THE PHONE CALL(S)!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Emergency Room Detour

It's been a while since I wrote, we had a fantastic 4th of July weekend with some company here at Camp.  After our company left on Tuesday, things got alittle crazy around here. We shared a lot of laughs while taking a little afternoon joyride, Bop showed me a lot of the old spots he used to stop at in this neck of the woods, as well as had plans to take me out to dinner.  He said I had worked so hard cooking all weekend with company here, I deserved a night off! LOL! It doesn't feel like work, I love to cook, and it's more fun to have people to enjoy the meals, but I will admit, a night off from the dishes is nice! (I'm used to Kevin doing the dishes all the time.) We came home to freshen up and have our usual 5 o'clock cocktail before heading out to Cavallario's in Alex Bay.  All is good, right? Yep, we had a fantastic dinner, Bop insisted I get lobster, and then we shared a HUGE hot fudge, turtle ice cream sundae... Bop drives a hard bargain to turn down dessert when we go out!  Still, all was well.  I went for a run, and came home to find Bop taking his usual nightly nap in his recliner.  When I woke  him up to go to bed, he got up and thought his leg had fallen asleep, but he tried to shake it off, and just went to bed.  I closed up and went to bed myself. The next morning is when everything got more serious.
Let me start by telling you that I am always up and downstairs before Bop gets up... this week on Wednesday morning, it wasn't so.  Here's the replay...
Bop: " Kristen!"
Me: Groggy and waking up
Bop: "Kristen, are you up?"
Me: "Sort of, what time is it?" I look at the clock, thinking I've slept the entire day away.
Bop: " I think I had a stroke, I think you need to take me to the emergency room and get checked out."
Me: Jump out of bed, "Are you serious?" Scramble for clothes, jump downstairs tell him I just need to put my contacts in.
Meanwhile, Bop is sitting at the kitchen table having his normal cup of coffee, sitting calmly.
Bop: "Yeah, I woke up this morning, my leg still feels heavy and my arm doesn't feel right, (and I notice his speech is alittle slurred), but don't rush, have your coffee first."
I skipped my coffee, and pulled the car up closer to the house, asked Bop if he wanted me to get his wheelchair which he declined and used his walker all the way out to the car. Ten minutes later we are pulling up to the ER and getting Bop checked out. Come back later for the next 48 hours of details.  I will tell you that Bop is okay and doing great!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Girl and the Grill

Today I took the luxury of sleeping in late, thinking that today was the first bit of REALLY  nice weather.... totally clear skies, no wind, and temperatures in the 80's, I had big plans to sit on the deck and read my book!  Haha, Bop had other plans for me... while trying to get the grill out and ready to go last night, we discovered that the gas wasn't working and yes, there was gas in the tank! So I had an appointment for a pedicure, and Bop says, " Well, I think it would just be easier to buy a new grill rather than fuss with the old one." Faster than a fish on bait, he tosses me his card and says," Just go by Lowe's on your way back and pick up a new grill."  I know to strictly follow Henry's orders, so I didn't argue with him. About 20 minutes before I was set to leave, I find him on the computer looking up grills and he'd picked one out with raving reviews and onsale!  So after getting a neighbor to help me unload the partially assembled grill, Bop and I finished the assembly and Voila, we had a fantastic grilled steak dinner!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sights and Such

 Bop and I have taken a few "field trips" in the North Country the past few days.  Tuesday we took a ride south to Watertown,where the BIG mall is so I could buy some shoes! Not Carrie from Sex in the City's idea of shoe shopping, but Bop was patient while I went from one store to another in search of the perfect summer dress sandal,  and I scored 2 cute pairs of brand name sandals for just under $50.00!  What girl wouldn't be excited about that?  Yesterday we ventured down to Clayton, NY which is the "Gateway to the Thousand Islands".  If you're only familiar with the famous dressing, there's a lot more history to the area than just some orange sauce for your lettuce. My history lesson for the day compliments of the Antique Boat Museum... which was really cool!  Being a Pisces and loving everything that has to do with water, I was fascinated by the beauty of these old wooden boats.  Works of art in their own right. The images of life of the rich and not so famous families who used to vacation in the North Country, and how boats were a more common part of life back then were incredible!  I think I took more pictures than Bop,which is a record, but he's been to the museum about a dozen times so he was not as impressed as me.  Today we ventured over the bridge to Canada for a picnic lunch of Fish and Chips.  One cannot come to camp in the summer without atleast one serving of fish and chips, however this will probably be the first of many for me this year.  It's a completely different lunch experience in the park eating greasy fried fish and fries drenched in vinegar than eating them on the boat, both delicious, and only a treat I allow myself in the summertime while in the North Country. Don't let all my indulgences fool you, I've been running in the mornings.... just to keep up with Bop if not to keep my waistline in check!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Driving Ms. Daisy

It's hardly a chore to drive Bop around, and just to prove how much fun we've been having here are some of the funny things he's said:
1) When one of his cousins asked him where his father was, (implying where he was laid to rest) Bop replied, " He's in Hudson, you know why he's there? He's dead."
2) As we were driving past a cemetery he said, " Do you want to go see them? Oh no, you missed the turn, oh well, they'll still be there next time."
3) "You drink a lot of water, are you sure there's not vodka in those bottles?"
4) I don't think I'm going to give you back to Kevin, he'll be okay on his own."
5) I told Bop that Kevin is slightly jealous of this trip I am on with his grandfather, and that Kevin would like to take the trip next year... Bop said, " I don't want to travel with Kevin, just you."
There have been so many funny things he's said that I can't even remember them all, but everyday he makes me laugh...
Tonight when talking to my mother in law, Pam, she said she's glad I didn't take this trip with Bop BEFORE Kevin and I were married, otherwise I might not have gone through with it. But I am very grateful to have them as my family now, and even more grateful for my husband who's working hard, and living as a bachelor for the majority of the summer while I enjoy one of his favorite people in his favorite place!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Journey Continued

I. am. so. tired.  This is how I feel about this time everyday (almost 9pm) but it's been worth every ounce of it!  Bop and I completed our BIG roadtrip in South Glens Falls, New York where we had an old-fashioned, yummy spaghetti dinner at Massies Italian restaurant!  Rumor has it that this is the spot he used to love to dine with Lucy, Kevin's grandmother.  The legend is that they would take large pots into the kitchen and fill them up with enough spaghetti for the entire family.  One of the original owners' sons was still there and told me how he had a crush on our beloved Aunt Pat when they were in about 6th grade!  She had no idea, or so she says! :)  After a good night's sleep we were on the road to the Murray Camp (our final destination) via the Adirondack Mountains.  I highly recommend that if you've not made it to this beautiful piece of our country, you do so before you die... it's undescribable!  The weather was alittle yucky, but not enough to stop the Road Warriors!
Once we arrived at camp, it has been nonstop for the most part.. I cook, wash the dishes, get things unpacked, and ready for the rest of the summer visitors who will start arriving this weekend.  Once again, I don't know them all, but Bop does, so I just play along!  I have had some small breaks, and Bop likes to show me new places, so we've taken a ride through Ogdensburg, Morristown, and today we ventured to the mall in Watertown. 
I mentioned in my last post how much I've learned about life on this trip with Bop, mostly, I've learned not to stress... he doesn't stress, so I don't stress.  Or I should say  I don't stress about the minute things I typically have.  I stress about Bop's safety, health, and well-being, but other than that, there's not a worry on my mind!  Camp is a stress-free place to begin with, but Bop makes it even more stress free.  His life has taken him places that most of my family and friends can't fathom, and he's still here, so it just goes to show that hardwork and no stress are the perfect prescription for a long life!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Journey

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a journey with a special person is worth more than words can say!  I am so glad I am  able to take this journey with Bop! I have learned so much about his life, but also about life in general.  I'm a sucker for a good story, and his is a page turner.  On the road again... Bop and I visited with a few more distant relatives in Hudson, NY Thursday before heading over to Massachussetts to my brother-in-law's house.  The weather has been absolutely perfect for driving and I'm amazed at how green everything on the East Coast is!   It was a huge relief to arrive at the Massachussett Hahn's for a couple of reasons; 1) I got to see my nieces and nephew, 2) We got to sit down and relax, 3) a homecooked meal, and 4) I got the best night of sleep in almost a week, even if I did stay up chatting with Nicole until 1am.  It was a brief, but great visit!
It's alittle after 1am again andI have so much to say about this trip, but it's going to have to wait until we reach our final destination, or I should say, our next destination because with Bop, you never know if you're going to take a turn and see something else!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jersey, NYC, and Hudson

Where am I? What day is it? What time is it? This is what it feels like when you travel through so  many places and see so many sights in a matter of days.  Getting the life tour of a 95 year old is packed full from early morning to late night.  I haven't stayed up this late, this many days in a row probably since I was in college!  Deep breath... okay, so after leaving Philly, we drove to New Jersey to see where Kevin grew up, and visit some more friends and relatives of Bop!  It wasn't "the Jersey Shore" nor was it "jerseylicious"!  It was like any other small town in America.  Bop gave me the full tour of where he lived in Jersey, where my hubby grew up, went to school, where his daughters got married, and had their receptions.  Then we ended the day by having dinner with another one of Bop's many couins and her husband... it was a Pennsylvania Dutch woman and an Italian man, he wasvery funny!  He was a cross between Larry David and Danny DeVito!
Wednesday was NYC... it was a driving tour since Bop doesn't walk much and I wore him out in Philly. Due to my earlier discomfort with his driving I chose to be the driver and he directed where to go.  It was a great tour, the funniest part of the day was our expensive PitStop!  So my cup of decaf wasn't quite doing it for me that morning, so I decided to stop and get an espresso on our way into the city... then as usual I pounded 2 bottles of water on the road... as we were approaching the Holland Tunnel, I briefly comtemplated pulling over to the LAST gas station to make a pit stop, but it was too difficult to get all the way over to the right (NY drivers are not givng when it comes to squeezing in).  So I figured I could wait... well, after driving around the city for about an hour, I thought we were ready to head out, but Bop was insistent on driving down Broadway... he didn't know they closed it down and we made a few wrong turns. My only option was to pull into a parking garage, ready to pay a hefty fee just to get out and find a bathroom.  It could have been worse, but it was the most expensive pit stop I've ever made... 15 minutes later and $8.00 shorter, RELIEF!
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful... we drove North to Hudson, NY where Bop spent time as a teenager and early gentleman.  We actually stayed at the St. Charles Hotel, which is where Bop used to work in the kitchen! He didn't do the cooking this time though! When I get the time, I will post our self-made video tour of NYC... just the commentary alone is entertaining!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cheese Steaks and Liberty for All!

Today Bop and I left Allentown and headed to Philadelphia in search of the Liberty Bell and the original cheese steak! 

Pennsylvania Dutch People

Monday we drove to Pennsylvania, Allentown and surrounding areas to be exact.  The entire drive all I kept thinking of was the song, Allentown by Billy Joel.  I asked Bop if he knew the song, he didn't, so we drove into Allentown sans the anthem!  Have you ever driven with a 95 year old man who plays by his own rules, plans with AAA mapbooks, has GPS, but gives you completely different directions, and pays little attention to speed limits?  I'm not saying Bop is a bad driver, I'm just saying my knuckles were white and the "Oh Sh**" handle was my security blanket! I drove most of the way, however Bop did drive for about 2 hours (probably close to 150 miles) and I don't have a scratch on me, neither does the car.  So once I got over my initial discomfort of letting Bop be in control, it was a smooth ride.  I took the wheel back the rest of the day, so I couldn't get many pictures of the places he showed me.  But, I did get to see his grandparents' home, and several others that he lived in as  young child as well as one he helped build.  Then we were off to meet "the cousins".  Have you ever met true PA Dutch  people?  It is quite an experience.  I thought Italians were "fussy" at their loved ones, but the Dutch take a close second.  The average age in the sun porch was probably 70, and I was just grateful my parents raised me with good manners, and the gift of gab.  I know I don't have trouble talking to children, and it's now confirmed I can hold my own in a room full of senior citizens, and I mean that in the nicest way.  The funniest thing I can share about these people is that there are 10 siblings in this family, all but 3 of them still live in Catasaqwa ( not sure how to spell it, let alone pronounce it), and they think that a 30 minute drive is like traveling FAR AWAY!  I just giggled to myself when they asked why we were driving 30 minutes to stay at a hotel.  And of course, they think Bop is crazy for all the driving around he does.  All in all, they were very sweet.  It made me think of what the Brady Bunch might be like today!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Man Named Bop

When I first met my husband, he told me about 2 things... 1) The St. Lawrence River in upstate New York, and 2) Bop, his grandfather. *not in order of importance* The St. Lawrence River sounded like a beautiful, serene place that I thought to myself, "I hope this guy works out, I'd love to be able to go to THAT place!" Little did I know a year after that I'd be spending a week's vacation every summer in that exact spot! Bop was another story... Kevin told me, "He's 91 and still drives up and down the east coast to visit family and friends, he builds dollhouses,has the latest technology, and does tons of 'projects'; in fact that's who taught me all the handy things I know."  Again, I thought to myself.. "Can this guy be for real? He values his grandfather and HE'S handy!"  Almost 4 years have passed, and I've grown to love Bop as my own 2 grandfathers (RIP).  I enjoy hearing his stories about growing up in the 1900's, living in different places, how to fix things, and most of all, I adore his sense of humor.  To know Bop is to love him! I could go on for days, but I won't, I'll get to my point... So due to some health issues that wouldn't allow his aunt and uncle to spend the summer on the river as they normally do,  I volunteered to drive up there with Bop, so he could still go on his usual summer trip!  I was excited from the day I found out he was excited, the jury is still out on which one of us is more excited!
Bop arrived at our house last Thursday, where we've spent the last 3 days celebrating his 95th birthday and Father's Day.  Tomorrow morning at 6am, we will leave South Carolina and head to Allentown, Pennsylvania where we will visit with 10 of Bop's cousins.  From there, we'll head into Philadelphia for some Philly cheesesteaks and sightseeing on Tuesday.  That's all I know for now.. so check back in a few days to see where we go!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Teacher's Summer

In 12 years of teaching, this is the first summer I have ever taken completely off, and even still, I feel just as busy as I did all those summers I tutored, waited tables, and nannied!  The first week, I thought I'd go to the gym, and then waste away for the rest of the day with a book by the pool.  That was the case for about 2 days, and then things picked up to a  busy pace again.  What amazes me the most is that I'm still getting up between 5:30-6:00am, in hopes of getting the day going early, however I've found that it's just irrational to start cleaning one's house at 7am in the morning. Afterall, I wouldn't want to wake my neighbors with the vacuum cleaner! So instead, I've caught up on the latest news, finished 2 books, and learned to navigate my new Smartphone which my husband is so excited I now have!
See, I told you in my last post that I'd be busy!
This week I had a bit of time to relax by the pool briefly on Monday, then the week has gone to lightening speed and suddenly yesterday I realized I had the next 24 hours to get my house cleaned, hit the gym, grocery shop, buy party decorations, write a grant, tutor a child (ok, I'm guilty, but I'm just tutoring 1 kid this summer), do laundry, shop for things for my month long vacation, and spend some quality time with my hubby before I leave. 
On Monday, I will be leaving for a month of fun, adventure, and relaxation!  Check back, as I will definitely write about this adventure!

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm Free!

Last week marked the end of another school year, and the beginning of a totally free summer! For the first time, in 12 years, I am taking the summer off as a true teacher should. Oh but don't be fooled, I'll be busy. My summer vacay started this past weekend as K and I headed to the First Annual Lake Norman Food and Wine Festival to pour wine for our friend, Dobbin's Creek Vineyards. It was a sweltering 90-something degrees, so I wouldn't say it was my favorite wine festival yet! It was a good time as usual, people watching, talking to others who like wine as much as we do. We opted not to return for Sunday's events, rather K finished the built-in bookshelf/entertainment center and rearranged the furniture too! I spent Sunday making this week's "European" menu and shopping for all the yummy ingredients! This week is GREEK WEEK, so our menu is full of flavorful and heart-healthy dishes. I must say this week's menu takes me back 13 years ago to a trip to Greece I will never forget. It was my first European trip and one I'd make again in a heartbeat if I wasn't so responsible. Alas, I can't wait to take a trip like that with K, we must plan for it soon!

So you might be asking, "What are you going to do with all your free time this summer?" I've got plans.... stay tuned....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Try, Try Again

This is my second attempt at a blog. Over a year ago I started one, and then decided with Facebook, it was just ONE MORE thing to keep up with. But I'm back at it again, as I have new goals set and more thoughts than ever so I'm going to give it another try! What's the old saying? If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

Yesterday I officially closed my tutoring business. Not because it wasn't profitable, it was more profitable than I ever could have imagined, but profit isn't my currency. They say people have different currency they want, and my currency is time, my own time. I loved helping the students, and I am so appreciative of the customers I had, and the opportunities I was given. As with all new adventures, I tried it, discovered it wasn't quite what I wanted, and it's time to move on. Here are the key things I learned from owning a business:

1. Even if you love what you do, it is still work.

2. I like to network, I don't like to "sell myself".

3. My time is more valuable than any amount of cash .

4. I can say NO.

5. Balance is key.

6. Asking for help is necessary.

7. Be flexible with your plans.

8. Accept the things I'm not in control of.

9. Go with your gut, instincts are EVERYTHING.

10. Owning a business is not what I want to do with the rest of my life!

I am most grateful to my loving and supportive husband who believed in me 2 years ago and had the faith that everything would be okay! And here we are 2 years later, everything has been better than okay!

Here's to the next chapter... whatever that may be!