Monday, September 2, 2013

Random Update

I am really trying to keep up with this blog, and I love to write, but these days when presented with the options to take a nap, fold laundry, wash bottles, blog, or watch mindless episodes of Lipstick Jungle, it is a tough choice!  So, I'm trying to balance everything and do a little bit of each when I can. It has been a very busy few weeks around here, then again, it's been very busy ever since Wonder Girl arrived!
The little lady just hit the 9 week mark, and she is growing and changing right before our eyes!  Two weeks ago we were in the doctor's office for minor things when her weight tipped the scales one day at 8.5 lbs, and a few days later she tipped it at 9 lbs. Her length has stretched to 20.5 inches! This past week she had two doctor's appointments, one was a follow up with the Hematologist for her Hemangiomas on her liver, the other just a weight check at the pediatrician.  She tipped the scale at over 10 pounds!!! It shouldn't come as a surprise, she eats like a champ after all, but it's hard to believe that she has doubled her birth weight in just a little over 2 months. She is doing great health-wise, and we hope this trend continues.

This past week we had a very special visitor... Aunt Heidi came for the entire week!  It was much more fun to hang out with her and go places with her rather than spend our days in the hospital like we did when she was here in June!  While it was exciting to have her here for Emma's birth, this visit was all fun and games so to speak!  It was so much fun to see my sister interact with Emma!  My sister never was a big babysitter, or kid person (she likes them, but never really hands on the way I always have been), and so this was so much fun to see her be so hands on with Emma! While she was here, the three of us went out to lunch, relaxed around the house, enjoyed wine on the deck, and we ended her stay with us celebrating her birthday!  This year is a BIG one for my sister and the thought of not celebrating with her was killing me, so when she text me that she wanted to come visit, I was thrilled that we would, afterall, be able to celebrate her birthday with her.  We took her wine tasting in North Carolina and out to dinner for some modern Southern food.

Aunt Heidi and her Emma Doodle

Coming up this next week we have another special visitor coming... my Aunt Niki, who has been a special aunt to me all my life, so now Wonder Girl will meet her Great Aunt as well!

It makes me sad to think that in a few short weeks I will have to return to work and Wonder Girl will have to go to daycare.  :(  I love my job and the people I work with, however I'm going to miss my lunch dates out with the little lady, slow mornings sipping on coffee, and afternoon Tummy Time and stories.

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