As I write this post temperatures are slowly creeping up into the 90s, however my summer season is quickly coming to a close. It feels like it's been a whirlwind of a summer, and I haven't any idea how I ever thought I had so much free time and was yearning for some project to keep me busy, which is what I wrote about back in June. Here are some highlights from Summer 2011:
1. Molson: has brought much joy, lots of smiles and laughs, and is a constant creature of energy.
2. Cooking: didn't do any fancy cultural menus this year, however it was a pleasure to savor the tastes of homegrown tomatoes, basil, and fresh South Carolina peaches! I tried my hand at baking a bit more than usual and found out I make a pretty tasty peach crisp, and delicious cupcakes. Homegrown tomatoes and basil also kept the salsa and bruschetta flowing, which are two of my favorite snacks!
3. Spending time with family and friends: we've had more than the usual amount of houseguests this summer, which kept my cleaning and tidying up at an all time high, however it was all worth it to get to spend time with them! We await one more short visit from Bop and Kevin's brother Phil in about a week, and then things will quiet down around here. Even with all the hectic scheduling around here this summer, I managed to enjoy a few nights out with friends for drinks and chatting, as well as some lunch dates with friends I only see a few times a year!
4. Exercise: Once the temperatures started to rise, it's been a little tougher to just get out and run, but my twice a week training sessions with Stephanie at Ciarla Fitness have kept me building strength and toning up, as well as helping me stay on track for staying fit. I'm sure the exercise has also been what's helped me keep my energy up to par with Molson's.
Even though I thought back in June that I was sitting idle, my summer has been a busy and memorable one sans any special project! I look forward to cooler temperatures and new opportunities around the corner with Fall.
Summers always go by so quickly, don't they? Sounds like you had a great one, especially with your furry new addition. I just love him.