There are many things I'm thankful for, but recently I've been thinking more and more about just the littlest things that bring a smile to my face. I took full advantage of "unplugging" while we were on vacation a week back, and it helped me get perspective on life again. AHHHH... always such a necessary thing to do, yet I think we get caught up in the hectic schedules of work, chores, and socializing that we forget to slow down and "smell the roses." A close friend used to tease me every morning we'd get to work and she'd be
slowly walking to her classroom, Starbucks cup in hand, while I would be making a B-line to the workroom to get extra prepared for my first graders that day. She would always say to me, "Kristen, you need to slow down and stop to smell the roses!" And I think she'd be pretty proud of me today if we still worked in the same place, because I've learned to do more of that. I'm still always organizing and making sure I'm extra prepared, but I do have days where I just don't even worry about what's not getting done. While on vacation I didn't worry about work, chores, or anything, I certainly didn't worry about what everyone else was doing because when I say I unplugged, I mean I unplugged. No Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, email, NOTHING! I was incredibly grateful to just sleep in, sleep with the windows open, watch my hubby and the dog swim in the river, read a book, peruse magazines, and cook good meals for the family accompanying us. And since we've gotten back home, thankfully, I've tried not to let "stuff" get in my way of just enjoying the present day. Don't get me wrong, there are certainly things and stuff on our Wish list and To Do list, but I'm just not stressed about them that much anymore. We live a good life, we live a comfortable life, and we live a pretty minimal life when it comes to "stuff". This week the things that made me grateful and happy were little things that really mean a lot:
1) Having Bop (Kevin's grandfather) stay with us all week.
2) Getting my body to run 4.35 miles considering I've been slack on the workouts lately.
3) Sleeping in my own bed
4) Baking chocolate chip cookies for no reason other than I felt like it.
5) Giving my neighbor's little girl some books!
What are the little things that make you happy?
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