December 7 – Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)
I have never really thought about what community I belong to or what community I'd like to belong to. I just tend to meet people, connect, and develop relationships, regardless of geography, background, etc. But in the past year, I have discovered community in my neighborhood. Ever since I left Los Angeles, I have wanted to find a place where I have a home, and friendly neighbors. Alittle over a year ago, when Kevin and I bought this house, we were advised by our realtor to go and talk to the neighbors BEFORE we put an offer in. Although I never would have thought of that, and am glad I've had the amazing realtor in Jennifer Douse at Allen Tate (little sales plug for her, she really is wonderful), it was one of the wisest things we did. Upon moving in, we met a family across the street who is so much fun! The husband is a pilot and his wife works part time in addition to raising their 4 small children. The kids are awesome too! They like to come over and play at our house, they make me pictures, and borrow books to read. The fact that Kevin and our neighbor enjoy beer, woodworking, and everything in between is a bonus. I can honestly say that I've never felt more comfortable asking for help. In the short time that we've lived here I've witnessed people helping one another in sickness, health, and tragedy.
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