Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sights and Such

 Bop and I have taken a few "field trips" in the North Country the past few days.  Tuesday we took a ride south to Watertown,where the BIG mall is so I could buy some shoes! Not Carrie from Sex in the City's idea of shoe shopping, but Bop was patient while I went from one store to another in search of the perfect summer dress sandal,  and I scored 2 cute pairs of brand name sandals for just under $50.00!  What girl wouldn't be excited about that?  Yesterday we ventured down to Clayton, NY which is the "Gateway to the Thousand Islands".  If you're only familiar with the famous dressing, there's a lot more history to the area than just some orange sauce for your lettuce. My history lesson for the day compliments of the Antique Boat Museum... which was really cool!  Being a Pisces and loving everything that has to do with water, I was fascinated by the beauty of these old wooden boats.  Works of art in their own right. The images of life of the rich and not so famous families who used to vacation in the North Country, and how boats were a more common part of life back then were incredible!  I think I took more pictures than Bop,which is a record, but he's been to the museum about a dozen times so he was not as impressed as me.  Today we ventured over the bridge to Canada for a picnic lunch of Fish and Chips.  One cannot come to camp in the summer without atleast one serving of fish and chips, however this will probably be the first of many for me this year.  It's a completely different lunch experience in the park eating greasy fried fish and fries drenched in vinegar than eating them on the boat, both delicious, and only a treat I allow myself in the summertime while in the North Country. Don't let all my indulgences fool you, I've been running in the mornings.... just to keep up with Bop if not to keep my waistline in check!

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